travel dates: June, 2024 By the end of our first day in Toronto, I’d had an epiphany: the second “t” in Toronto is silent. “Just like Atlanta!” I thought. Also like Atlanta, Toronto can feel sort of…generic big city-esque. There are tall buildings, and people hurrying around doing business things, and they’re not always as […]
Hamilton, Ontario with Kids and Teens: HMCS Haida and the Royal Botanical Gardens
travel dates: June 2024 I didn’t know anything about Hamilton, Ontario before we started planning our Canadian cities trip, but I started looking into it when I realized that Bronte Creek Provincial Park , our campground of choice for exploring Toronto, was actually closer to Hamilton than to Toronto itself. And it was a Canadian […]
Don’t Forget Twillingate (Like I Did. Sorry, Twillingate!) RVing Newfoundland for One More Post
travel dates: July 2023 Remember when I dramatically announced that I was writing my very last Newfoundland post? Yeah, so then I realized that I totally skipped poor Twillingate. We went to Twillingate right after Fogo Island, but apparently I was so eager to talk about St. John’s that I just completely forgot to blog about it. […]
Niagara Falls: Canada Edition
travel dates: June, 2024 We spent a couple of days in Niagara Falls in 2021, but that was back when Canada was still closed, so we were restricted to gazing longingly across the water from the US at the bright lights of the considerably more touristy Canadian side of things. So we were excited that […]
Four Days on Newfoundland’s Bonavista Peninsula: Beyond Puffins. RVing Newfoundland with Kids and Teens
travel dates: July 2023 The Bonavista Peninsula, on Newfoundland’s east coast, seems to fly a bit under the radar, tourism-wise, compared to some of its flashier counterparts. It has plenty of stunning ocean views, but lacks the dramatic peaks of Gros Morne. It doesn’t have the “getaway for the rich and famous” vibe that Fogo […]
15 Things to Do in St. John’s, Newfoundland with Kids and Teens (and Parents and Grandparents)
travel dates: July, 2023 This is going to be a long one! “Go east and then keep on going. You’ll eventually find the oldest city in North America,” tweeted the Newfoundland and Labrador tourism account back in 2018. They meant St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador’s capital and its biggest city by far (it’s nine times […]
Three Days in Theodore Roosevelt National Park and Medora, North Dakota
travel dates: July 2022 I talked about Theodore Roosevelt National Park awhile ago on the RV Atlas Podcast, if you’d care to listen. You can’t spend much time in Theodore Roosevelt National Park without hearing someone or other invoke the 26th president’s thoughts on North Dakota: “I have always said I never would have been […]
Going Underground in Havre, MT: Havre Beneath the Streets Tour
travel dates July 2022 Our original plan called for us to spend a couple of nights in Great Falls after leaving Glacier, check out Lewis and Clark stuff and all that. But I got very nervous looking at a map of our route east after Great Falls, which included a long stretch on “the Loneliest […]
A Day in Brooklyn with Kids and Teens: The New York Transit Museum and a Rather Famous Bridge
Travel dates: June, 2022 Milo turned 20 (!) just before we left for this trip, so I guess I should really call this post “A Day in Brooklyn with Kids, Teens, Young Adults, and Middle-aged People.” But I’m not gonna. Anyway. We had a lot of ideas about what to do with our days in New […]
A Smoky Stay at Liberty Harbor RV Park in Jersey City: Campground Review
travel dates: June, 2023 Anyone planning an RV trip to New York City will have to confront that age old dilemma: stay close to the city in the expensive parking lot that is Liberty Harbor RV Park–right across the water from Manhattan–or stay at a campground campground and deal with a long commute into the city. A […]