travel dates: June, 2022 Like with so many drives during our summer of mountains, I was a little worried about the one that would take us from Brigham City, Utah to Bozeman, Montana. And as with all of the drives, I needn’t have worried. With the help of the Mountain Driving Directory and a good […]
Two Days in the Finger Lakes with Kids and Teens: Seneca Falls and Watkins Glen State Park
Travel dates: July, 2021 There were two things we wanted to make sure to see while we were in New York’s Finger Lakes region last summer, one of them a little more…obvious than the other. We knew we wanted to go to Watkins Glen State Park, for this was the summer of hiking through gorges. […]
Flume Gorge and Franconia Notch State Park, New Hampshire with Kids and Teens
Travel dates: July, 2021 It’s that time of the year where I start to freak out about how much blogging is still left to do about last summer’s trip given how close this summer’s trip is getting! So time to pick up the pace! The good part of this is that…this summer’s trip is getting close! We’re excited! We […]
Cape Cod Again! Because you can never have too much Cape Cod
Travel dates: June, 2021 We’ve been to Cape Cod many, many times, and I’ve already blogged about the two times that happened post trailer acquisition. We’ve been going since my big kids were littler than THIS: So if you’re looking for more of “things to do with kids on Cape Cod” sort of post, I […]
World’s End Trail in Hingham, MA
For every long trip we take, Dave makes an elaborate spreadsheet listing mileage and campground reservation numbers and all that sort of thing, and I make a no less elaborate but much less spreadsheet-y day-by-day itinerary document with all our tentative plans for each day. The number of categories on the itinerary has grown over […]
Exploring in and Around Clayton, GA with Kids and Teens
It’s been a long, weird, stressful summer for us, as for most people. But as is usually the way with such things, some good things came out of it, and one of those good things was that we finally spent some time exploring the very northeasternmost corner of Georgia (a replacement trip for our planned […]
A Smoky Mountain Pandemic: Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Townsend, TN
Right now we’re supposed to be at Wayne County Fairgrounds outside of Detroit, spending our last night in Michigan before starting to head south. Back when we finally decided to cancel our big Michigan trip after weeks of going back and forth, we immediately booked a couple of shorter trips closer to home to give […]
Bakewell and the Peak District: Exploring England with Kids and Teens
travel dates: June 13-16, 2019 At some point or another in the planning stage of our England trip, we considered just about everywhere in the country as a potential third stop after London and Bath. We eventually landed on Bakewell in the Peak District through some combination of intention, luck, and randomness. We wanted something […]
A Day in Kejimkujik National Park: Exploring Nova Scotia with Kids
Travel date: June 28, 2018 People mostly think of the coasts when they think of visiting Nova Scotia: the Bay of Fundy to the north, the port city of Halifax to the south, the winding, scenic drive along the shore on Cape Breton. And truth be told, we spend most of our three Nova Scotia […]
A Day in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia with Kids
I can’t remember exactly how the little town of Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, right on the Bay of Fundy, made it onto our Atlantic Canada itinerary, but I’m glad it did. We loved the town, and it served as a perfect introduction to Nova Scotia for us. We spent three nights here, so we had two […]