Dave’s grandparents bought a house on Cape Cod, in Falmouth Heights, back in the early 60s when beach houses on Cape Cod cost approximately 10 cents. Or, anyway, some amount that made them within reach for middle and working class families. So Dave grew up spending time there almost every summer, and I joined him […]
A Day at Mystic Seaport
We came pretty close to skipping Mystic Seaport when we were itinerary planning. We just went to Williamsburg, VA a couple of of years ago, and this seemed like pretty much the same thing, only with more boats. It’s expensive. Maybe we should just skip it and get to Cape Cod a day earlier instead. […]
Four Things to Do near Vogel State Park, Blairsville, GA
In the weeks leading up to our trip to Vogel, I came up with a long list of things to do in the area. Unfortunately, I wrote it down on an actual piece of paper with an actual pencil like in olden times, and then I lost it. But then I managed to mostly reconstruct […]
A Few Days in Vogel State Park, Blairsville, GA: Campground Review
Not to get too political, but I love it when Big Government sends hundreds of thousands of unemployed young men off to build state parks for me and my family to enjoy eighty years later. Vogel State Park, on the southern end of the Appalachian Mountains and about two hours north of Atlanta, is the […]
Mystic KOA Campground Review
After the RVFTA rally and our stay at Lake-in-Wood, we had a long day of driving around NYC (which mostly went well, but we did hit the only significant traffic of our whole trip on this stretch). We pulled into the Mystic KOA Sunday evening to find thick fog and a nearly empty campground. Which, […]
Lake-in-Wood Campground in Narvon, PA: RVFTA Rally and a Day in Philadelphia
I’m not sure you’d really call us rally people. If you were going to call us something. Other things would probably come to mind first. But when the dates and location for the RV Family Travel Atlas spring rally were announced last year right around the same time we were deciding that we really and […]
Two Days in Shenandoah National Park
When I was in college, my roommate Suzanne and I took a road trip up to Washington, DC and back. My memory on this might be completely wrong, but I feel like this involved driving the entire length of the Blue Ridge Parkway AND Skyline Drive. In the Chevy Cavalier I’d inherited from my grandmother, […]
Luray KOA: Campground Review
We’re home! So much for my big plan to get several blog posts up while the trip was happening. I’ll have to get more organized about that by next summer, when we plan to be gone nearly two full months. It’s nice to be home, but I also feel a bit antsy already. Fortunately, we […]
Elkin, NC: First Stop on our Summer, 2016 Road Trip
It’s finally here! Our big summer road trip: twenty two nights, ten campgrounds, and a whole lot of ice cream. This trip was originally conceived as sort of a practice trip for next summer’s massive road trip, but it’s turning out to be pretty substantial all by itself. As I’m writing, we’re already about two […]
An Afternoon in Paducah, KY plus Duck Creek RV Park Campground Review
We’re counting down the very few days left before our summer trip, which means it’s time to finally finish talking about our spring break trip! The first itinerary of the spring break trip had us stopping in Nashville on the way home instead of Paducah. But we’ve been to Nashville before and it’s within striking […]