Hey–we’re back on the road, doing our first long RV trip since 2018! (Because 2019 was our England/Ireland trip, and 2020 was 2020). It has been very nice traveling again, and relearning how to stuff all six of us into a tiny space. Right now we’re on the New Hampshire coast, where it is very, […]
Introducing! Our Venture Stratus 281VBH (and a First Trip to Don Carter State Park)
Look what we got! Meet our new Venture Stratus 281vbh: Longtime readers might remember our LAST new trailer and how I called it our biggest impulse buy ever. There was a little more forethought put into this purchase, but it still happened pretty fast. Up until maybe January we were nearly certain we would be […]
8 Great Travel Books for Kids
Hi–we haven’t been anywhere lately! There’s a pandemic and anyway it’s winter, so we’ve been staying home. And staying home. And staying home. I’m trying to be hopeful without jinxing it that things are moving in the right direction and that we’ll have an awesome summer full of travel. But in the meantime, we read […]
2021 Travel Plans (LOL)
Plans?! I know, right? We saw how well that went last year. Oddly, though, Covid has caused us to make MORE plans rather than less for this year. We have one set of summer plans for if the Canadian border is open and one for if it’s not. The one for if it’s not takes us through […]
Tybee Island Revisited (Plus a Little Savannah)
I didn’t realize how much I’d missed the beach until I finally made it back to it. We planned a trip to Tybee for Thanksgiving week with Dave’s parents (who live in New Hampshire and who usually come to Georgia for Thanksgiving) back in late summer/early fall–when COVID numbers were fairly low and we had […]
11 Favorite Campgrounds from Our First 5 Years of RVing
I’ve never done a list of our favorite campgrounds before, but now seems like a good time, with 5 years of RVing and a whole lot of campgrounds all over the US and Canada behind us. The whole family collaborated on the list, but I had the final say because it’s my blog. Ranking campgrounds […]
Our First Five Years of RVing: Top 20 Travel Memories
Every New Year’s Eve our whole family makes lists of favorite travel memories from the past year. It’s one of my very favorite family traditions. Then someone reads the lists out loud anonymously, and we all try to guess whose list is whose. And then I tally up which things got multiple votes, and I […]
Willow Valley RV Resort: Campground Review
If you prefer your campground reviews in an audio format, you can hear me talking about Willow Valley and the surrounding area over on the RV Atlas podcast. We came across Willow Valley RV Resort because we were looking for a campground near Clayton, Georgia that wasn’t Black Rock Mountain State Park. Black Rock Mountain […]
Hawk Walk at Ashford Castle and Inchagoill Island: Our Last Day in Ireland
Did we save the best for last? Well, it probably depends on who you ask, but some would say that we did. When (my sister-in-law) Amy and I were making trip plans, this was one of the first things we decided on (and we booked early, as well). We liked that Corrib Cruises offered a trip that […]
Exploring in and Around Clayton, GA with Kids and Teens
It’s been a long, weird, stressful summer for us, as for most people. But as is usually the way with such things, some good things came out of it, and one of those good things was that we finally spent some time exploring the very northeasternmost corner of Georgia (a replacement trip for our planned […]